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Rotary supports charity’s heating appeal

Posted onPosted on 5th Mar

Mansfield Rotary has made a donation to a well-known charity thath has launched a fundraising campaign after its boiler broke at Christmas.

Hetty’s, which is based at Burnaby House in Mansfield Woodhouse, needs to raise around £25,000 after replacing the commercial boiler and system at ‘a substantial cost’ to the charity.

At the club’s latest meeting at Portland College, outgoing president Rotn Kelvin Bowman presented a cheque for £500 to Tracey Crosby, operational team lead and volunteer co-ordinator at Hetty’s, to put towards the fundraising drive.

Tracey said: “We are beyond delighted and extremely grateful for the contribution and support. It means the world to us.”

Hetty’s was founded in 1999 by a group of mums and supports families affected by a loved one’s alcohol or drug abuse.

During the meeting new president Paul Bacon was presented with the chains of office by outgoing president Kelvin Bowman.

The pair have shared the presidential honours in this Rotary year, which ends in June, with Rotn Ray Malkowski.