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Oar Blimey transatlantic rowers suffer new equipment problems

Posted onPosted on 18th Dec

Mansfield transatlantic charity rowers George Nelson and Russ Davis have been hit by further battery charging problems on their three-month, 3,500-mile bid to row unsupported across the ocean in aid of dementia charities.

After contacting family on Sunday in a scheduled phone call home, the following day that elation was replaced by disappointment when the fundraisers decided they need to replace their solar panel, which has been causing battery charging issues.
It is doubly disappointing for the Oar Blimey team, who earlier thought they had fixed the problem by stripping and rebuilding the equipment.
Their latest plan is to head towards the Marina du Palmas, Gran Canaria, to get everything checked out properly. They’re 98 miles from the marina and anticipate their arrival will be either late Thursday or Friday morning because they’re having to row against the wind to get there.
In the meantime, the shore crew need to try to find a marine electrician and chanderly who may stock (or be able to obtain) batteries and solar panels.
George and Russ also experienced a sand storm from the Sahara desert, brought in by the easterly winds a couple of days ago. Consequently, everything’s covered in sand!
However, Team Oar Blimey report: “Both George and Russ remain in good spirits; reassuring us (as much as they can) that they’re absolutely fine as they have water, food, and each other for company!”


 George and Russ set off on a three-month adventure of a lifetime on 1st December, aiming to row unsupported across the Atlantic Ocean and raise £250,000 for two dementia charities. They will each row for two hours at a time and then rest in between.

The 3,500-mile challenge began in front of a small group of supporters in Portugal and the duo want to reach Sint Maarten in the Caribbean.

Team Oar Blimey are rowing in a Rannoch Adventure R20, which is just 6.5m long and 1.2m wide, in their bid to help Our Dementia Choir with Vicky McClure and Ladybrook Enterprises.

The rowers can be tracked at or download the YB Races app and add their race, “Oar Blimey Atlantic Ocean Challenge 2023”.

To find out more about the rowing challenge or to help support the cause, visit where you can make a donation or find them on Facebook at