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Have your say on play area

Posted onPosted on 2nd Feb

Residents and children are invited to tell Mansfield District Council what outdoor gym and play equipment they would like to see in a local play area.

Up to £120,000 in Section 106 funding from property developer contributions is available to create a new outdoor play area at Kings Walk, off Berry Hill Lane, Mansfield.

A consultation event will be held at the Topaz Grove entrance of the Kings Walk open space on Wednesday 18 February from 10am to 2pm.

Officers from the Council’s Parks team will be joined by representatives from five companies who can advise on the types of equipment that could be provided.

Residents including parents and children are invited to bring along their imaginations and give their views at the event, which will be held in a gazebo.

Coun Philip Shields, Portfolio Holder for the Environment at Mansfield District Council, said: “The new play area will benefit lots of families in the area and this consultation event provides both adults and children with the opportunity to tell us what type of equipment they want there.”

Feedback from the event will also be used to help draw up plans for a £60,000 replacement play area on King George V Park and for £15,000 of new gym equipment on Racecourse Park. These projects will also be funded through Section 106 contributions.

For more information about the event, contact 01623 463510 or email [email protected]