Two members of Portland College staff, Wayne Fearn and Gavin Booth, took part in the Nottingham Off-Road Duathlon back in November to raise funds for Portland’s All Inclusive Sports Academy appeal.
The first time duathlon duo raced through acres of woodland by foot and bike after weeks of training. The initial 5000m run section took place on closed tarmac roads and featured climbs at the onset followed by a gruelling 16000m bike ride and finishing with another 2500m long run which tested both their strengths as the roads pitched from climb to descent.
Wayne said: “I thoroughly enjoyed the experience of the duathlon but found it extremely tough” It was a great experience for them both and have raised fantastic amount for the sports facility.
If you would like to take part in one of our the Portland College organised events or would like to do an event of your own please contact the fundraising department who would be happy to help on [email protected] or 01623 499141.