Mansfield District Council is offering free parking at the Four Seasons car park for shoppers, who wish to make the most of Thursdays’ late night opening times in the run up to Christmas.
Parking will be free from 5pm on Thursday 20 and 27 November and Thursday 4, 11 and 18 December. On these dates, the Four Seasons Shopping Centre will close at 8pm. Other retailers’ opening times may vary.
Portfolio Holder for Economic Regeneration, Cllr Kate Allsop said: “We want to encourage as many people as possible to make use of the excellent shopping facilities in Mansfield. Enabling shoppers to enjoy free parking after 5pm at the Four Seasons during late night openings will be an added bonus for people, who wish to do their Christmas shopping at a time that is convenient to them.
“This incentive will support our local retail community and encourage residents and visitors to spend money in the town centre at this busy time of year.”