An aspiring young actor who has just completed his bachelor of arts in theatre studies at West Nottinghamshire College is getting set for a European tour.
Connor Bailey, from Kirkby, has been successful in landing an acting job with Clever Pants Productions – a Barcelona-based theatre company, which is going on tour from next week with two well-known shows.
The twenty-one-year-old has successfully landed an acting job with Clever Pants after graduating from his university-level programme in performing arts at West Nottinghamshire College, and performed his audition via Skype.
Beginning the tour this weekend, (12 October) in Barcelona, Connor will perform in two productions, playing the parts of Jay Gatsby in The Great Gatsby and Crofter in The 39 Steps. Connor will tour across Europe performing in Spain and Portugal and the tour will end in Lisbon, Portugal in May 2015.
Connor said: “I’m very excited about my new job and it’s an honour to join this theatre company. My audition via Skype was not as daunting as you’d think, as I was in the comfort of my own home so there was less pressure!
“I’d advise any budding actors to sign up with an online casting database after finishing their studies, as this is where I applied for the position with Clever Pants Productions. Also, take a production to places like the Edinburgh Fringe Festival where I went last year with my friends as it provides a different experience to those found in education.”
Connor will take a short break from the tour in November when he returns to the UK for his graduation from the BA Applied Studies Theatre Top Up which is taking place at Kelham Hall near Newark.
While at the college Connor formed two theatre companies called Diced Soup Theatre; with classmates from the BA and The Four Average Tomatoes Theatre Company.