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Consultation on closure of access gate

Posted onPosted on 1st Apr

Residents are being asked to give their views on the proposed closure of an access gate at Haddon Road open space, Mansfield.

Following a petition by residents, Mansfield District Council is considering the permanent closure of the gate on Granby Avenue, which allows access to the open space.

Before a formal decision is taken, the council is giving residents and visitors the opportunity to respond.

Any objections to the proposed closure should be sent or emailed by 5pm on Thursday, 8th May 2014 to Martyn Thurman, head of neighbourhood services, Mansfield District Council, Civic Centre, Chesterfield Road South, Mansfield NG19 7BH or [email protected] (please put Ref: Haddon Road in the subject header).

Notices have been displayed on the site. However, the notices are not required by law and do not necessarily imply that the proposal will proceed.

Portfolio holder for the environment, Coun Philip Shields said: “We want as many people as possible to give their views on the proposed closure of the gate on Granby Avenue, before we take a final decision on whether to keep this access point open.”