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Careers in children’s services showcased

Posted onPosted on 23rd Mar
Careers in children’s services showcased

Opportunities to work with children across a range of settings were outlined to students at Vision Studio School in Mansfield.

The school, on Chesterfield Road South, staged a careers event last Thursday (19 March, 2015) to equip health and social care students with information and advice about employment routes into the various specialisms within the children’s services sector.

Representatives from Nottinghamshire County Council’s children, families and cultural services department and several private sector care providers held information stands to promote the many professional job roles students could pursue once they complete their studies.

The council’s play for disabled children team – which runs Saturday clubs, holiday clubs and residential short breaks for children with disabilities – was one of the services represented.

Its district play worker, Vicki Moss, said: “This was a fantastic opportunity to showcase the different routes and channels that young people can follow into careers they may not otherwise have known were available.

“The students are at an age when they’re deciding whether to go into employment or continue with their studies, so it’s really important to inform them about the options that are open to them.

“I was really impressed with the students I spoke to. Quite a few already had a pretty good idea of what they’re going to pursue in terms of continuing education or future employment and were really keen to explore the various things their qualifications could lead to.”

Visiting the play for disabled children stall strengthened student Tyler Tarft’s desire to follow this career path.

The 16-year-old, from Mansfield, said: “I have two brothers with autism so I’d like to have a job taking people with disabilities or learning difficulties out on day trips, to make sure they have the quality of life that we take for granted.

“Children with special needs deserve the same fun and enjoyment as everyone else, and there should be a time – at least at weekends and on holidays – when they don’t have to think that they are less able than us, because they are entitled to all the opportunities that we have.

“This has shown me how helping them could make a real difference to their lives and has really inspired me to want to do this as a career.”

Studio school personal coach Sally Jones, who organised the careers event, said: “The event was aimed at getting students to think about the careers they want to move in to. We have many students who are looking to go into social work, mental health, child psychology, special educational needs support and a host of other related careers, and this provided a great opportunity for them to speak to professionals within these sectors.

“It’s given them a valuable insight into what it’s like to work in these areas and also pathways on how to get there.”

Vision Studio School is a new type of school for 14 to 19-year-olds and is the first of its kind in Nottinghamshire.

Sponsored by West Nottinghamshire College, it teaches the same core academic subjects as traditional schools but combines these with vocational specialisms in engineering or health and care, delivered through project-based learning and work placements with employers.

Pictured are Year 12 health and social care students Charlotte Godber and Tyler Tarft, both 16, learn more about Nottinghamshire County Council’s play for disabled children provision from district play worker Vicki Moss (centre).