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Another boost for Mansfield market

Posted onPosted on 16th Jan

Mansfield District Council has given the go ahead to a number of recommendations designed to boost and improve Mansfield Market.

These include the decision to keep the market running for six days per week and the Westgate stalls to remain on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

The decision by Cllr Kate Allsop, Portfolio Holder for Economic Regeneration, on Friday follows the Council’s 2014 review and consultation on the future of the market.

A survey on the market was completed by 4,426 people, of which 3,706 said they wanted the layout of the market to remain as it is and 3,729 people said they wanted the market to continue to operate for six days a week.

The market is also set to benefit from £100,000 of investment following a decision by Cllr Allsop last week.

Further work is needed but plans include improving the appearance of the market stalls and potentially creating more flexibility in its operation with stalls that can be moved more easily to accommodate events.

The Council will continue to work with the BID to support periodic niche markets, such as the Christmas and summer evening markets.

Promotion of the market through the national Love Your Local Market campaign will also continue and opportunities will be explored to deliver healthy eating initiatives with key partners.

Young people with business ambitions will be encouraged to try their hand at market trading and traders will be encouraged to make use of training opportunities, such as the National Market Traders Federation 400 business support package.

Cllr Allsop said: “We have listened to the views of market traders, town centre businesses and the public on the future of Mansfield Market and have come up with this strategy to strengthen the market and enhance its appeal to shoppers and traders.

“We want the market to flourish and will be working with our partners to explore as many opportunities as possible to attract new traders and customers in 2015.”