The UK’s premier comedy family drag variety show, Paul Carroll’s Music Hall Tavern, is back.
Its new show for 2017 will be at the Palace Theatre, Mansfield, on 17th March.
A spokesman said: “Whatever your age, come along and join Mrs T and the “girls” from MHT for a truly magnificent night of dazzling costumes, side-splitting laughter and a cast of unique characters singing and dancing all night long.
“It is a feelgood night that will not only entertain and amuse you, but will leave you with unforgettable memories of the funniest night out of the year.”
The show stars Paul Carroll as Mrs T, the “Girls” from MHT and features the Showcase International Dancers.
Music Hall Tavern also perform throughout the Canary Islands all year round,
Tickets are priced £22.50. Click here to buy tickets.