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A taste of volunteering at The Workhouse

Posted onPosted on 22nd May
A taste of volunteering at The Workhouse

As part of the 30th anniversary of National Volunteers’ Week (1-7 June) The Workhouse at Southwell is holding another of its popular volunteer recruitment days on Tuesday, 3rd June between 10am and 12noon.

The event provides an informal opportunity to meet staff and volunteers and find out about some of the 30 different roles on offer. Over 40 volunteers attended the previous session and most have since joined The Workhouse volunteer community, which also has an active social element with trips to other National Trust properties, local attractions and on-site events such as a summer barbeque and Christmas party.

“We are particularly looking for male costumed-interpreters to participate in living history events and to support work with schools visiting The Workhouse, as well as room guides and refreshment hosts,” said House Manager Sarah Spurrier.

“Full training is offered to new volunteers and many shadow those already active in various roles’ she added.

The Taste of Volunteering event is free. To book a place call 01636 817260. For information on this and other events, go to