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Warsop Inner Wheel celebration

Posted onPosted on 9th Feb
Warsop Inner Wheel celebration

Warsop Inner Wheel Club president Terry Newton invited Warsop, Shirebrook and District Rotary Club president Steve Lunn and members to its meeting at the Hostess Restaurant, Nettleworth.

The speaker was Judy Ritcher, who talked about her experiences as an air hostess. Ruth Riches gave the vote of thanks.
Founder member and current attendance officer Doreen Granger was presented with a cake by the president after the meal to mark her 90th birthday (pictured).

International officer Christine Fretwell held a knit and natter at her home attended by 16 members, who made 39 joy bags and 25 baby bundles.

Christine took 25 knitted blankets and a large bag of knitted jumpers and warm clothing to the Police Aid convoy.
World Inner Wheel Day was celebrated at the home of Christine Fretwell. A quiz with objects from around the world was won by Janet Marples.

Member and former Bolsover president Audrey Wilson has died.