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Sporting chance for all

Posted onPosted on 14th Oct
Sporting chance for all

A Mansfield sports project is one of more than 40 projects to win a share of £8.2m National Lottery funding from Sport England.

The Mansfield Community Sports Project will receive £185,514 to increase the number people engaged in sports and physical activity across Mansfield over the next three years.

The Mansfield District Leisure Trust, which manages the project, plans to use the money to appoint two full-time sports activators/health coaches, who will co-ordinate efforts between sports facilities across the town, including parks owned by Mansfield District Council, as well as open and community spaces.

The sports activators/health coaches will also organise informal beginners’ sessions in different sports, such as netball, football and tennis, as well as family and disability multi-sports.

Trust chairman Brian Taylor said: “We are delighted to receive this funding from Sport England. Being active is important for a healthy mind and body, as well as being lots of fun. Thanks to this funding more locals can reap the rewards.”

Coun Andrew Tristram, portfolio holder for the environment at the council, said: “This is another example of the great work undertaken by Mansfield District Leisure Trust to encourage active lifestyles. The council looks forward to working with our leisure provider to maximise the benefits of the Sport England funding for our community.”

Sport England director of community sport Mike Diaper said: “It’s great to be working with innovative projects like The Mansfield Community Sports Project, which offers more people the chance to get active in a way that suits them best. Given the overwhelming benefits of being active, it’s important that age, gender, or income never prevents anyone from taking part.”

To bid for funding, visit