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Giving disabled a sporting chance

Posted onPosted on 21st Sep
Giving disabled a sporting chance

A pilot scheme aimed at getting people with a recently-acquired disability into sport has been launched in Ashfield.
Reactiv8 is being delivered in partnership by Ashfield District Council, Nottinghamshire County Council, Sport Nottinghamshire and Everyone Active.

The scheme offers access to weekly multi-sports sessions for people aged 16-plus to give participants a flavour of activities available for people with disabilities and encourage longer-term participation.

Activities range from wheelchair-badminton and volleyball to boccia and ping pong.

Additional support to get participants into a sport at the end of the programme may be offered, including gym sessions.
People can either be referred to the scheme by a GP, physiotherapist or health professional or they can self-refer by contacting Active Ashfield on 01623 457233.

The Reactiv8 multi-sport sessions are taking place at three Everyone Active Leisure Centres in Ashfield — Lammas, Sutton-in-Ashfield; Hucknall; and Festival Hall Leisure Centre, Kirkby.

Coun John Knight, chairman of the culture committee at the county council, said: “Ashfield is home to Paralympic gold medalists Ollie and Sam Hynd, so it seems an entirely fitting place to pilot this scheme.”

Coun Glenys Maxwell, chairman of Ashfield District Council, said: “The new project is a perfect example of the partnership work that exists through the Active Ashfield Disability sport forum, which aims to provide increased opportunities for disabled people to take part in sport and physical activity at a local level.”

The cost of taking part will be subsidised and is £4 per session.

Depending on the success of the pilot, the scheme could be rolled out countywide in 2016.

Further information is at