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Reaching out to help disabled

Posted onPosted on 12th Mar
Reaching out to help disabled

A project aiming to help disabled people avoid social and financial exclusion has been launched by Disability Nottinghamshire.

It has been awarded £189,902 over three years by the Big Lottery Fund to provide Reach Out Nottinghamshire Plus (RON plus).

Organisers said the project would give people the tools to take control of their lives and reduce their reliance on welfare benefits.

RON plus will include advice workshops, a one-to-one welfare benefit and money maximisation service, peer support groups and group financial education workshops.

They will initially be delivered in Warsop, Ollerton and Retford.

The project has been inspired by a previously successful project provided by Disability Nottinghamshire, called Reach Out Nottinghamshire, which helped 769 disabled people to obtain or retain £1,835,189.16 in benefits.

Lorna Carter, chairman of the trustee board at the charity, which was previously known as DIAL Mansfield and District, said: “We are delighted to receive funding from the Big Lottery Fund.

“We are looking forward to delivering the project. We believe it will positively support people with disabilities to gain confidence and improve their ability to change their own lives.”

Gary Baird, one of the welfare advisors on the project, has a lifelong disability. He spent a number of years receiving sickness benefits before he started volunteering with Disability Nottinghamshire.

After eight years of voluntary work, Gary secured paid employment with Disability Nottinghamshire. He has now been working there for eight years.

Gary said: “Through volunteering with Disability Nottinghamshire, I have regained my confidence, gained qualifications and feel valued.”

Volunteers are wanted to support the project. Contact Claire Staples, Gary Baird or Simon Mee on 01623 625891 for details.

Disability Nottinghamshire provides telephone advice to people with disabilities or their carers on 01623 625891. It is available on Mondays to Thursdays, from 10am to 4pm. There is also a drop-in advice hub at 73A Rosemary Street, Mondays and Tuesdays, from 10am to 3pm.