Oak Tree Primary School, Mansfield, has opened its doors to the new Drug Awareness Resistance Eeducation (DARE) programme, which will be launched nationwide in September.
DARE officer Hand delivered the new 10-week programme that includes facts and the health effects of drugs such as tobacco, alcohol, cannabis and volatile substances (solvents).
Year 5 pupils also took part in activities designed to develop lifeskills of effective communication and listening, managing stress, dealing with peer pressure, good citizenship, dealing with risky situations and personal responsibility.
The school is helping develop the programme by giving its views about the courses effectiveness and allowing trainee officers to give lessons as part of their induction training.
Mr Stride, Year 5 teacher, said: “The children always learn a great deal about how to stay safe and they have responded well to giving their views about the course changes.”
For information visit www.lifeskills-education.co.uk and click on the ’pop-up’ entitled Important Notice – Update of DARE Primary programme Autumn 2014.