A new cancer service in Mansfield and Ashfield is looking for volunteers.
Self Help Nottingham, in partnership with Macmillan, has developed a project to provide support to anyone living with a cancer diagnosis in Nottingham, Mansfield or Ashfield.
The project, in its initial stages, is recruiting and training volunteers. It aims to help those who have had a cancer diagnosis at every stage they will face, including aftercare.
Sarah Cadwallader, project co-ordinator, believes they can give those diagnosed with cancer an extra support network and the opportunity to find help that might not otherwise have been available.
She said the project intended to work with clinical care by providing an additional, supporting compassionate service.
There will be a number of services and support, including:
A befriending service where volunteers provide support to people, both face-to-face and over the phone
One-to-one support providing practical support on a one-off basis, such as accompanying people to appointments or groups, or assisting with light housework
In clinic help with volunteers stationed to provide on-hand emotional support and signpost anyone needing help.
Referral volunteers based in the project’s office to make phone calls to anyone referred to the service, They undertake needs assessments and support-planning with people and provide support.
Group development with volunteers helping facilitate support groups and, with input from a training and development team, supporting groups wanting to move to a standalone status
If you are interested in volunteering, referring into the service or are a person who needs support in relation to a current or previous cancer diagnosis, contact Sarah Cadwallader on 0115 911 1662 or email [email protected]
For further information on the project, go to www.selfhelp.org.uk/BeyondDiagnosis
Alternatively, people can follow the project on Twitter @SHNNBeyond.