Around 50 residents, patients, and NHS workers attended an event to find out more about Nottinghamshire’s first Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC).
The engagement event was organised by Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, which is bringing the CDC to Mansfield Community Hospital. It celebrated the achievements so far, including the delivery of more than 10,000 additional health checks.
Mansfield CDC is a one-stop shop for patients across Nottinghamshire to access the tests and investigations they need in a single visit to help them receive an ‘all clear’ or diagnosis sooner. As well as delivering thousands more tests each week, the CDC will also create hundreds of job opportunities for local people.
Details about the construction of a permanent CDC facility at the community hospital were shared.
One of the guests, Mansfield mayor Andy Abrahams said: “Early detection and the ability to connect closely with the community to identify issues promptly are key aspects of the partnership we are developing in Mansfield.”
Mansfield District Council chief executive Adam Hill added: “I find it remarkable that we are introducing many more facilities in the local area, enabling residents to easily access the healthcare they need. The significant investment coming into Mansfield is exciting.”
Trust chief executive Paul Robinson said: “It is fantastic to be witnessing the development of the Community Diagnostic Centre. The interest and energy this initiative generates are inspiring. I can’t wait for the completion of this building. With the demolition of the old Workhouse about to begin, we’re set to see significant developments over the next 12 months.”
The project will transform the existing cafeteria and the derelict Victorian hospital building into a cutting-edge facility, set to be operational by 2025.
For more information about the CDC, its services, upcoming events, or job opportunities, visit the CDC website. The CDC will deliver almost 200 clinical and non-clinical job openings. Anyone who is interested can learn more at the ‘Step into the NHS’ careers event at West Nottinghamshire College’s Derby Road campus in Mansfield (NG18 5BH) on Thursday 7 March, from 5pm to 7pm. Register your interest in attending at Step into the NHS – Careers Showcase Registration, Thu 7 Mar 2024 at 17:00 | Eventbrite
Pictured, from left, are Dr James Thomas, clinical lead for Mansfield CDC; Amanda Barrett, diagnostic improvement programme manager; Mansfield mayor Andy Abrahams; Paul Robinson, trust chairman; matron Ros Roddy; and Adam Hill, council chief executive.