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Informative artwork created by learners

Posted onPosted on 14th May

Students helped to raise awareness of violence against women and girls across Ashfield.

Learners at Vision West Nottinghamshire College, Mansfield, designed and produced artwork highlighting national statistics that show half of all women and girls have experienced verbal abuse, while more than one in three have suffered sexual or physical abuse.

The artwork, which also includes details on how abuse can be reported, is being displayed on digital signs across Ashfield.

It is part of Ashfield District Council’s efforts to create a safer environment for women and girls, and encourage more reporting on inappropriate behaviour.

Student Amy Taylor said: “I found this project really creative and informative. I was able to develop my skills designing something that will support women and girls across Ashfield.

“I discovered a range of new software and communication skills when developing the posters, which helped to create powerful designs to support the campaign.”

To support the safety of women and girls and wider communities across Ashfield, the council said it had doubled its public spaces CCTV cameras over the past two years to 59, and given businesses radios, CCTV, and sensor lighting.

The council is also working with domestic abuse services to provide relationships programmes in schools.

Design and Media lead at the college Tony Hall said: “The students were delighted to be involved in designing posters. The designs hardly required any changes and the two posters chosen were excellent.”