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Hospital remains in special measures

Posted onPosted on 22nd Jul
Hospital remains in special measures

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has recommended that Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust remain in special measures for a further six months.

However, following its inspection of King’s Mill Hospital, Newark Hospital and Mansfield Community Hospital. the CQC also praised the trust as a caring organisation and reported on several areas of outstanding practice.

The CQC said it found outstanding practice in maternity, the emergency department, children and young people’s services and surgery at Newark. Examples included:

Multi-disciplinary working in the maternity department
Multi-disciplinary working in the children’s departments
Junior doctors felt well supported in the emergency department
Effectively managed surgery service at Newark

The Trust’s smoking reduction programme for women during pregnancy was also acknowledged as producing good results. It was noted that the gynaecology department was well led, with staff passionate about the care and service they provided. The report also states that at Mansfield Community Hospital patients were treated with compassion, dignity and respect.

Three services were rated as good in all domains: critical care, maternity and children and young people’s services. Universally services across the Trust were rated as good for caring. Nursing staff were seen to be compassionate, and patients said staff were caring, kind and respected their wishes.

Paul O’Connor, Chief Executive at Sherwood Forest Hospitals, said: “We are obviously incredibly disappointed that our hospitals are to remain in special measures for a further six months, especially since the CQC acknowledges in their report that improvements had been made.

“It is important to remember that the reports being released today are based on visits which took place during April and May and we are confident that since that time even more progress has been made.

“Over the last year we have invested in more nurses and doctors, seen mortality rates fall to within the expected range and cleared a backlog of complaints. This is excellent progress and whilst we recognise there is more to do on our journey of improvement we are confident that by continuing to work with colleagues, and continuing to strive for quality in all that we do, we will exit special measures when we are next inspected in six months’ time.”

A brief summary of the reports is as follows:
Overall ratings for King’s Mill Hospital and Newark Hospital of Requires Improvement
Overall rating for the Trust is Requires Improvement
King’s Mill was rated as Good for critical care, maternity and family planning and children and young people’s services

All other services at both hospitals were rated as Requires Improvement

The trust was rated as Good with regard to whether services were caring.

The Trust has been told it must make the following improvements:

Staff mandatory training and appraisals must be completed to meet Trust targets
Ensure there are appropriate numbers of staff in place for the care required in Newark Hospital
Accurate record keeping should be maintained with regard to patients’ observations and hydration
Ensure there are secure systems in place for storing medicines and that people are given medicines according to their prescription.

Mr O’Connor added: “Our patients can be proud of their local hospitals and the staff who work in them, and can be confident about the quality of care received from us. We have continued to put safety and quality above everything else and this has meant we have made excellent progress in many areas.

“Working for a Trust in special measures is challenging, but it is a challenge that our talented and committed staff have risen to. Their passion and dedication are admirable and I am delighted that the CQC recognised this in their report, highlighting the care and compassion shown to our patients.”

Sean Lyons, chairman, said: “The Board of Directors fully supports Paul and his team. It is clear that significant improvements have been made. We are very proud of our colleagues across the Trust for their achievements over the last year.

“There is much to be proud of in those areas where outstanding practice has been demonstrated. The challenge will be to spread those standards across the Trust consistently and sustainably, and the Board looks forward to supporting Paul and his team in achieving this.”

The final report for Sherwood Forest Hospitals, as well as specific reports for King’s Mill Hospital (including Mansfield Community Hospital) and Newark Hospital can be found on the CQC website at