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Helping young people into work

Posted onPosted on 3rd Mar

Teenager Tyler Hill is following in the footsteps of her father and has secured work at a Nottinghamshire firm which makes coffins and other items for the funeral industry.

The 17-year-old, from Huthwaite, is one of the success stories from Nottinghamshire County Council’s Skills for Employment team which helps to get teenagers who are Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) into work and education opportunities.

Tyler has just completed a trial at Terry Smiths Coffin and Casket Makers, in Nunn Brook Road, in Huthwaite, and is to start on a three month full time contract which may result in a full time job upon successful completion.

She is currently helping to manufacture crosses, grave markers, coffins and caskets of various sizes plus packaging these goods for distribution to funeral services across the area. She has also started to work with traditional wood machines with in-built guards, having successfully completed health and safety assessments. Her dad Jason has been with the company for two years.

She said: “I was not quite sure what to expect when I first started but I really enjoy the work. I feel it is very important as we are helping people to remember loved ones. I didn’t think when I left school I might work here, but it is very good and I am learning new skills.”

Councillor Liz Plant, Committee Vice-Chairman of the Children and Young People’s Committee at Nottinghamshire County Council, said: “Tyler’s story is an excellent example of what is possible. She worked with our Skills for Employment team at Eastbourne House in Sutton-in-Ashfield and was interested in a vocation such as mechanics or joinery. We are very pleased that Tyler, the family and the company have got so much out of the placement and we are keen to hear from more young people and companies who want to take part in the scheme.”

Factory manager Dave Clarke, said: “We are very proud of how Tyler has progressed on her trial and she is doing really well. The Skills for Employment team are fantastic in offering these opportunities to help young people and also to help local companies.

“We have some highly skilled people who have been with the company for many years and it is vital that we are able to recruit and train young people up with these key skills.

“The work we do is crucial – we focus on making a form of furniture and other important items which help families and friends to celebrate the life of a loved one. This type of work is not for everyone , but the county council take time to place the right young person in the right environment and we are very pleased with Tyler and her work.”

Eddie Jones and colleagues from the Skills for Employment team, based in Sutton in Ashfield, engage with companies to find possible vacancies and work with the young people to identify their skills and interests and offer training opportunities leading to qualifications.

Tyler left Ashfield School after completing her GCSEs with no clear path of what she would do next. She got in touch with the Skills for Employment team and joined the programme in January 2014 where she studied for her Aim Awards Certificate in Progression and is working towards Level One in Functional Skills in Maths, English and ICT, as well as completing the work trial at Terry Smiths.

For more information about the scheme, people can contact the team at Eastbourne House, Station Road, Sutton-in-Ashfield or call 01623 476830.