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Celebrate learning at local libraries

Posted onPosted on 29th Sep

Libraries Week (3-9 October) is celebrating the pivotal role libraries have in promoting and supporting life-long learning.

Inspire Nottinghamshire Libraries will be celebrating and showcasing how their library service and Inspire Learning provision are inspiring learning for all and helping individuals to unlock and fulfil their potential at every stage of life.

As part of Libraries Week 2022, Inspire’s libraries across Nottinghamshire will be highlighting the ways they support lifelong learning.

There will be Puzzle Busters workshops at selected libraries to showcase how learning can be fun and enjoyable, bringing maths into everyday exciting learning.

There will also be an opportunity to meet members of the team to ask questions and find out more about the free and low-cost courses on offer across Nottinghamshire, as well as Inspire College, Family Learning, and employability help and support.

Other libraries will be showcasing the free resources available to customers, including free PC access, wi-fi, Adult Reading Schemes, online and e-resources, as well as traditional books – all of which contribute to learning for children, young people, and adults alike.

Peter Gaw, Inspire chief executive, said: “Opportunities to learn are at the heart of Inspire’s library service – from our adult and family learning provision, to access to resources, to the availability of PCs, wifi and study space.

“With over 60 libraries to choose from we hope that new and existing users will take the chance to learn something new in their local library during Libraries Week.  Everyone is welcome, the library is free to join.”

Libraries Week Puzzle Busters workshops are taking place in the following libraries:

  • Hucknall Library (4th October)
  • Edwinstowe Library (4th October)
  • Mansfield Woodhouse Library (6th October)

To find out more about learning resources, courses and events in your local Inspire library, speak to a member of library staff, or visit