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Building society honours volunteers with awards

Posted onPosted on 1st May

Two local heroes have been rewarded by Mansfield Building Society at its annual Community Celebration.

Steve O’Hara, who volunteers for the Cornwater Evergreen charity, was named the latest winner of the society’s Community Star Award.

A new award for 2024 was the Environmental Star Award, which went to Andis Senkans. He received multiple nominations for giving up many hours of his own time to make the local community in Mansfield Woodhouse a nice place to be.

The celebration event was held at Portland College after the society’s 154th annual meeting. The Mansfield said the quality and quantity of entries highlighted just how many phenomenal volunteers are dedicating their help to benefit our local communities.

Community Star Award winner works with Cornwater Evergreen, which is based in Ravenshead and has a charity shop in Mansfield.

It aims to enhance the lives of older adults through engaging and stimulating activities as well as companionship.

The nomination for Steve included an extensive list of the voluntary work he does for the charity. However, his commitment extends far beyond that of a regular volunteer and he provides support and genuine friendship to members.

His roles include community transport chaperone, cooking for the Brunch Club, and supporting the charity’s friendship sessions, to name a few.

Peter Dickson, manager of Cornwater Evergreen, said: “Steve embodies the spirit of selfless service and community support, making him a true star within our charity and the wider community.

“This award highlights the incredible impact that Steve and all our volunteers have. Their dedication is the cornerstone of our charity, driving us forward each day.”

For more information about Cornwater Evergreens go to or call Peter on 01623 491159.

The first recipient of Mansfield Building Society’s Environmental Star Award, Andis Senkans, works tirelessly, litter picking, mowing grass, planting bulbs, and organising mass clean-up events.

Mansfield district councillor John Coxhead said: “Andis has gone above and beyond in Mansfield Woodhouse over the years. His hard work and commitment to clean up our local environment has now encouraged teams of volunteers to work together to affect bigger change.”

Paul Wheeler, The Mansfield’s Chief Executive, added: “Steve and Andis exemplify the very meaning of Community and Environmental Stars. So many among our community volunteer their time selflessly, making it exceptionally difficult to pick from the 50-plus nominations.

“However, this year’s winners stood out from the crowd with their remarkable contributions to the community.

“As a local building society, we’re incredibly honoured to be recognising these people and the terrific work they do.”