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Scout leader Julie scoops community star award

Posted onPosted on 24th May

A dedicated Scout volunteer is the latest winner of a prestigious community award.

Julie Copestake was presented with the annual Mansfield Building Society Community Star Award for her commitment to improving the lives of others.

She is the leader of 1st Huthwaite Scout Group’s Beavers and has been involved in the movement for 15 years.

The award was presented at the annual meeting of the society at Mansfield Library by last year’s Community Star winner, Sarah Spalding, of Mansfield Soup Kitchen.

Over the course of her many years working with the Scouts, Julie has led the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. She is not only the current Beaver leader, but she also sits on the Executive Committee and is involved in the District group.

Her selfless contribution to the groups has given the young people she leads many life skills, including cooking, first aid, health and safety, road safety and craft skills.

In addition to the weekly sessions she runs, Julie and the team operate weekend activities, which include camping trips, hiking days, fundraising and community events.

Julie’s love for the Scouts means she is always looking to develop the group and she is currently working with her son to establish a newly-formed Explorers pack to give local teenagers the opportunity to continue in Scouting and become leaders of the future.

As well as being awarded Community Star status, Julie was also given £100 Love2Shop vouchers as part of her prize, as well as a £150 donation for the 1st Huthwaite Scout Group.

In addition to Julie’s success, The Mansfield also recognised Brenda Stockdale with a Contribution to the Community Award for her work with the Oaklands Centre, Warsop.

Brenda has been tirelessly fundraising for the centre for the past 35 years and in 2018 raised £10,000 to help keep it in operation.

Commercial development executive, Richard Crisp, said that it was vital that the hard work, dedication and love that so many local people give to the community is recognised.

“As a local building society, it’s fantastic to be able to recognise and promote the incredible work done by volunteers who support and make a real difference to our community,” he said.