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Coronavirus: Pleasley tearoom’s appeal to feed key workers

Posted onPosted on 31st Mar

A tearoom has launched an appeal to raise at least £1,000 to help feed workers on the frontline in the fight against the coronavirus.

Cakefield Cakes Tea Room in Pleasley is appealing for people to donate money on a gofundme page, which it will then turn into discounted meals for frontline workers, including NHS staff, police officers, firefighters and many more.

The pay it forwards scheme – which is becoming popular across country – will see the meals of sandwiches and cakes delivered to the workers.

A spokesman said: “We believe that everyone needs to come together and that the nation needs a boost, especially these key workers who are on the frontline taking care of us all.

“We all know an army marches on their stomachs right? So why would our key workers be any different.

“We have NHS staff who cannot leave wards to get a sandwich, police officers/drivers who have nowhere to stop and other key workers who probably after their 12-hour shifts haven’t got the time, energy or inclination to shop or cook and just want to go to their bed and families.

“What we want to do at Cakefield Cakes Tea Room is to be able to deliver food to these key workers. This could be King’s Mill Hospital, Mansfield Police and Fire stations, Tesco, Aldi, local GP surgeries and pharmacies – you name the key workplace and we want to be able to feed them.

“We can offer a discounted meal – a sandwich, crisp, salad, scone or cake and a drink.”

When people make a donation they can suggest a key workplace where they would like to see meals go too.

The spokesman added: “We will do our best to ensure everyone is reached.

“Although our goal currently stands at £1,000, the more we are able to raise the more key workplaces we can feed. We hope you will get behind us and help in our cause.”

To make a donation click here.