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Awards galore for Rotary birthday

Posted onPosted on 13th Mar

Kirkby Rotary Club’s annual Charter Dinner celebrated the 70th anniversary of receiving their charter from Rotary International.

The event, held at The Hostess Restaurant, Sookholme and attended by over 130 people, was marked by four special awards.
Club president Philip Hurt presented long-service certificates to Rotarians Gordon Sugg and Eric Thompson for 55 years and 25 years respectively.

District Governor Colin Gell handed the president a certificate marking the club’s seven decades of service to local, national and international good causes.

He then presented a Paul Harris Fellowship, the highest award a Rotary club can bestow, to past president Paul Riley.

Philip Hurt said: “Paul has shown outstanding dedication to this club, not only during his presidency but since then, supporting a variety of events and projects and always being ready to give help where and when help is needed.”

He commented on the partnership with the Inner Wheel Club of Kirkby during his year of office and made special reference to their joint work raising funds for the Royal British Legion poppy appeal.

Guest speaker was Alfie Moore, police officer, writer, stand-up comedian and radio performer.